October 18, 2024 9:15 am

Honesty is the best policy.= mZZvB mdjZvi DrK…ó cš’v|

 Tit for tat. = ‡hgb Kg© †Zgb dj|                                          A bad workman always quarrels with his tools. =bvP‡Z bv Rvb‡j DVvb evKuv|

A friend in need is a friend indeed.= Amg‡qi eÜzB cÖK…Z eÜz|

 Oil your own machine. = Avcb PiKvq †Zj `vI|

 A barking dog seldom bites.

An empty vessels sound much.= Lvwj Kjwm ev‡R †ewk|

 Something is better than nothing.= bvB gvgvi †P‡q Kvbv gvgv fv‡jv|

Cut your coat according to your cloth.= Avq ey‡S e¨q Ki|

To err is human. = gvbyl gvÎB fzj nq|

AwZ fw³ †Pv‡ii jÿY|

Too much courtesy, full of craft.

gv_v †bB Zvi gv_ve¨_v|

A beggar can not be a bankrupt.

‡bsUvi †bB evUcv‡ii fq|

A beggar may sing before a pick-pocket.

nv‡Zi wRwbm †d‡j `y‡ii wRwbm wb‡Z †bB|

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

webv †g‡N eRªcvZ|

A bolt from the blue.

Ni-‡cvov Miæ wmu`y‡i †gN †`L‡j fq cvq|

A brunt child dreads the fire.

‰K gv‡Qi cÖvY|

A cat has nine lives.

‡mvRv Av½y‡j wN I‡V bv|

A cat in gloves catches no mice.

Avcb Muv‡q KzKzi ivRv|

A cock is always is bold on it’s own dunghill.

hZÿY k^vm, ZZÿY Avuk|

A drawing man catches at a straw.

‡evKvi Kv‡Q UvKv _v‡K bv|

A fool and his money are soon parted.

fvZ Qov‡j Kv‡Ki Afve nq bv|

A full purse never lacks friends.

UvKvq ev‡Ni `ya †g‡j|

A golden key can open any door.

GKUv my›`i ïiæ †Kvb Kv‡Ri A‡a©K mvdj¨ G‡b †`q|

hy‡×i ïiæ fv‡jv gv‡bB A‡a©K weRq|

A good beginning is half of the battle.

¯^vgx fv‡jv n‡j ¯¿xI fv‡jv nq|

A good husband makes a good wife.

A good jack makes a good jill.

‡mqv‡b †mqv‡b †KvjvKzwj|

A Greek meeting a Greek.

VvKzi N‡i †K, Avwg †Zv Kjv LvBwb|

A guilty mind is always suspicious.

c‡K‡U UvKv _vK‡j gbI fv‡jv _v‡K|

A heavy purse makes a light heart.

GKvB GK‡kv|

A host in himself.

wL‡`i R¦vjvq gv_v wVK _v‡Kbv|

A hungry fox is an angry fox.

‡jey AwaK KPjv‡j †Z‡Zv nq|

A jest driven hard, loses its point.

AvR ev`kv Kvj dwKi|

A king today is beggar tomorrow.

c‡K‡U UvKv bv _vK‡j gbI fv‡jv _v‡K bv|

A light purse makes a heavy heart.

cvM‡j wK bv e‡j, QvM‡j wK bv Lvq|

A mad man and a animal have no difference.

m½ †`‡L †jvK †Pbv hvq|

A man is known by the company he keeps.

wbR evwo wbR fzeb|

A man’s home is his castle.

GK cqmv Rgv‡bv gv‡b GK cqmv †ivRMvi Kiv|

A penny saved is a penny earned.

KuvPvq bv †bvqv‡j euvk, cvK‡j K‡i U¨vukU¨vuk|

A pet lamb, makes a cross ram.

‡h iÿK, †mB fÿK|

A poacher turned gamekeeper.

‡Mu‡qv †hvMx wfL cvq bv|

A prophet is not without honor save in his own country.

‡Pv‡i †kv‡b bv a‡g©i Kvwnbx|

A rogue is deaf to all good.

AKvi‡b wKQzB N‡U bv|

No smoke without fire.

Nothing can come out of nothing.

Kqjv ay‡j gqjv hvq bv|

Black will take no other hue.

One’s own nature remains unchanged.

AwZ Av`‡i bó mšÍvb|

Spare the rod, spoil the child.

AwZ Pvjv‡Ki Mjvq `wo|

Too much cunning overreaches itself.

  AwZ `‡c© nZ j¼v|

Pride goeth (goes) before destruction.

Pride has its fall.

AwZ h‡Zœ giY duv`|

Care killed the cat.

AwZ †jv‡f ZvwZ bó|

Grasp all, loose all.

A_©B Ab‡_©i g~j|

Money is the root of all evils.

AwaK mb¨vmx‡Z MvRb bó|

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Aa¨emv‡qi d‡j mvdj¨ Av‡m|

Slow and steady wins the race.

Perseverance begets success.

Aa© mZ¨ wg_¨v Av‡cÿv fq¼i|

Half truth is more frightening than falsehood.

Abykxj‡b wm× n¯Í|/ evRv‡Z evRv‡Z ev‡qb|

Practice makes a man perfect.

A‡Üi Kv‡Q w`ev ivwÎ mgvb|

Day and night are alike to a blind man.

A‡Üi †`‡k Kvbv ivRv|

A figure in ciphers.

AcPq K‡iv bv Afv‡e c‡iv bv|

Waste not, want not.

Ac‡ii wel‡q bvK MjvBI bv|

Don’t poke your nose into the affairs of others.

Aejvi gyLB ej|

None can control a woman’s tongue.

Avq ey‡S e¨vq K‡iv|

Cut your coat according to your cloth.

Afv‡e ¯^fve bó|

Necessity knows no law.

Ajm gw¯Í®‹ kqZv‡bi †Nvov|

Let us enjoy while in liesure.

Amr c‡_ Avq, Amr c‡_ hvq|

Ill got ill spent.

Awm A‡cÿv gmx kw³kvjx|

The pen is mightier than the sword.

AvKvk-Kzmyg iPbv Kiv|

Build castle in the air.

Ai‡Y¨ †iv`b Kiv|

To cry in the wilderness.

AvKv‡ki w`‡K _y_y †dj‡j Avcbvi Mv‡qB jv‡M|

He who spits against the wind spits against the own face.

Av‡M Ni Z‡e †Zv ci|

Charity begins at home.

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