March 6, 2025 8:35 pm



The word that stands before a noun or Pronoun and indicates the definity or indefinity of that noun or pronoun is called an article.

Articles are of two kinds: 1. Indefinite Article

                                                 2. Definite Article

Uses of A /An:

  • The word started with a vowel(a,e,i,o or u) sound takes an as indefinite article.

Example: Please give me an Apple.

               It is an Orange.

                I saw an Eliphent.

               It is an Egg.

  • The word started with a consonant sound takes a as indefinite article.

Example: It is a Book.

               I have a computer.

  • The word begins with unpronounced H takes an as indefinite article.

Example: He is an Honest man.

Wait an hour for me.

  • Though a noun begins with a vowel sound The noun that begins with EU or OA pronunciation takes a as indefinite article.

Example: He is a university student.

                Give me a one taka note.

  • If The short forms of the words begins with vowel pronunciation it takes an as indefinite article on the other hand if the short forms of the words begins with consonant sound it takes a as indefinite article.

Example: He is an M.B.B.S doctor.

               He is an L.L.B.

              He is a B.A.


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